Company Name | EGUN Co.,Ltd | Established on | Sep. 1. 2013 |
CEO Name | Sung Jun Lee | Corporate registration number | 332-87-00548 |
Head Office/Factory | 830-11, Docheok-ro, Docheok-myeon, Gwangju-si, Gyeonggi-do, 12817, Korea |
Phone No. | 82-31-766-7391 | Fax No. | 82-31-766-7392 |
Website | | |
We provide products and services that can improve the quality of life while caring for the future. Egun System that pursuits the happiness of mankind by running the business reasonably, honestly and clearly while securing the trust of the customers and encouraging the pride of executives and staff members of the company.
Future technology development with pioneer sprit and creative thinking
Pursuit the national & social happiness with the development of environment friendly technology and continuous social contributionthat cares for the mankind and environment
Promote user convenience and stability with endless self-development and innovation of technical value